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Get your Southern Devlopment Corporation Notary Public Bond for only $35 immediately through an agent near you or you can order your bond online and it will be mailed to you the same day the order is received.

Get the application form to the Secretary of State here. Send the completed and notarized "Application for Notary Public", the $20 application fee and the "Copy For Secretary Of State" of your bond to the Secretary of State.

When you receive your Certificate Of Commission from the Secretary of State, take all three copies along with your bond to the Circuit Clerk of your county. An officer of the Circuit Clerk will then have you swear to the oath of office and you will officially be a Notary Public.
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Notary Quiz

For more info on topics or questions contact the Arkansas Secretary of State’s office at 501-682-3409.

Use the f o l l o w i n g quiz to assess your Arkansas notary public k n o w l e d g e . For additional information, or more detailed information on notary public issues, you may request an Arkansas Notary Public Handbook or attend a free seminar conducted by the secretary of state’s office. The answers are listed at the end.

1. What are the functions of a notary in connection with a deposition?

  • A. Taking the witness’ oath to tell the truth
  • B. Certifying that the written transcript is complete and accurate
  • C. Either
  • D. Neither
  • 2. When a notary public changes employment, does the employer who paid for the commission and seal retain ownership?

  • A. Yes
  • B. No
  • 3. Notaries are permitted to affix their facsimile signature to some documents, as a stamp or engraving. On what types of documents are notaries not permitted to do this?

  • A. Deeds
  • B. Documents for conveying real estate
  • C. Either
  • D. Neither
  • 4. With what County official must a notary’s oath and surety bond be filed?

  • A. County Clerk
  • B. Circuit Clerk
  • C. County Assessor
  • D. County Judge
  • E. None of the above
  • 5. Which of the following may a notary supervise the making and photocopying of an original document and attest that the document is a copy of the original document?

  • A. Birth Certificates
  • B. Death Certificates
  • C. Marriage Certificates
  • D. Divorce Decree
  • E. None of the above
  • 6. What geographical jurisdiction does a notary have?

  • A. Citywide
  • B. Countywide
  • C. Statewide
  • D. Nationwide
  • 7. How does a notary officially file records of his or her name change?

  • A. Registered letter detailing marriage/divorce
  • B. Telephone call to Secretary of State’s office
  • C. Certified copies of legal document
  • D. None of the above
  • 8. Which of the following items would not be a good source of verifying identity, before notarizing a document for someone the notary does not know?

  • A. Passport
  • B. Driver’s license
  • C. Government-issued ID card
  • D. Credit card
  • 9. A surety bond in the amount of ________ is required to become a notary public.

  • A. $6,500
  • B. $7,500
  • C. $8,500
  • 10. The Hague Convention of 1961 allows countries to recognize ___________ certificates.

  • A. Apostille
  • B. Certification
  • 11. A notary public may notarize documents in adjoining states as long as the document pertains to Arkansas transactions

  • A. True
  • B. False
  • 12. Someone who lives in another state but works in Arkansas may be commissioned as a notary.

  • A. True
  • B. False
  • 13. Notaries public may

  • A. Administer oaths
  • B. Take acknowledgments
  • C. Certify affidavits
  • D. Certify depositions
  • E. Supervise photocopying
  • F. All of the above
  • 14. An Arkansas notary may charge ______ for a notarial act.

  • A. $5
  • B. $10
  • C. $15
  • 15. A seal may have the Great Seal of Arkansas on it.

  • A. True
  • B. False
  • 16. A notary must register a facsimile signature with the secretary of state if he wishes to use it.

  • A. True
  • B. False
  • 17. A notary journal can be useful evidence if a notary is subpoenaed to court.

  • A. True
  • B. False
  • 18. If a document is going to be used in a nation NOT party to the 1961 Hague Convention, a(n) ___________ is used.

  • A. Certification
  • B. Apostille
  • 19. If you are dealing with a document where you have no direct financial gain, can you notarize your own signature?

  • A. Yes
  • B. No
  • 20. If I notarize two original documents, how much may I charge?

  • A. $5
  • B. $10
  • C. $15
  • D. None of the above
  • 21. An Arkansas notary is commissioned for:

  • A. 5 years
  • B. 10 years
  • C. 15 years
  • D. None of the above
  • 22. A surety bond protects the

  • A. State
  • B. Notary
  • C. County of commission
  • D. All of the above
  • 23. An Errors and Omissions Policy protects the

  • A. State
  • B. Notary
  • C. Circuit clerk
  • D. All of the above
  • 24. Under what conditions may a faxed or photocopied document be notarized?

  • A. Notary recognizes the signature
  • B. Notary knows the signer
  • C. Document is signed after being faxed or copied
  • D. It can never be done
  • 25. An affidavit is:

  • A. Declarative wording, official signature, dates and seal contained in the notarization
  • B. The affirmation of truth of a statement
  • C. Written statement, signed and sworn to by the person appearing before the notary
  • D. A formal statement in writing by a notary that a bill of exchange or promissory note was presented for payment or acceptance, and payment or acceptance was refused.
  • 26. An acknowledgement is:

  • A. A person’s confirmation or admission to a notary that he/she signed a document
  • B. Written testimony of a witness, taken out of court under oath before a notary or other authorized person, intended to be used for trial or before some officer or commission
  • C. The affirmation of truth of a statement
  • D. Confirmation of correctness, truth or authenticity by a document.
  • 27. Execute means:

  • A. A specific document giving legal instructions
  • B. Making or completing a signature
  • C. “That is to say,” or “namely”
  • D. None of the above
  • 28. A deposition is:

  • A. Any document that can be notarized
  • B. Transcript of oral testimony of a witness, taken out of court but under oath
  • C. Confirmation of correctness, truth or authenticity by affidavit or oath
  • D. None of the above
  • 29. When dealing with a venue on an acknowledgement, what should a notary list in blank (1)? State of Arkansas County of ___(1)____

  • A. The county in which the notary is commissioned
  • B. The county which the document is from
  • C. The county which the signer is from
  • D. The county in which the notary is standing
  • 30. When completing the portion of the acknowledgement below, what should a notary list in blank _(1)_?
    Subscribed and sworn to before me, the undersigned Notary Public within and for the State of Arkansas and County of ___(1)_____, this ____ day of _________, ______. _______________________________ Notary Public

  • A. The county in which the notary is commissioned
  • B. The county which the document is from
  • C. The county which the signer is from
  • D. The county in which the notary is standing
  • Answers: 1-C, 2-B, 3-C, 4-B, 5-E, 6-C, 7-C, 8-D, 9-B, 10-A, 11-B, 12-A, 13-F, 14-A, 15-B, 16-A, 17-A, 18-A, 19-B, 20-B, 21-B, 22-A, 23-B, 24-C, 25-C, 26-A, 27-B, 28-B, 29-D, 30-A

    c o r p o r a t i o n s @ s o s . a r k a n s a s . g o v,
    toll-free 1-888-233-0325.
    Important Important information regarding the duties of a Notary Public and the laws governing notary acts.
    Notary Corner Notary Corner, excerpt from Arkansas, Inc., the Secretary of State Business and Commercial Services Newsletter.

    10th Amendment Pledge